Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hackers Ethics in todays world - mistrust authority

There most intriguing point in the hackers ethics would be - "Mistrust authority - promote decentralization." As internet usage is becoming more widely used every day and thereby more and more free information is available , the hackers culture spreads all over the world. It can be argued that the greater availability of the free information in the also creates the plurality of opinions and views. It also moves the centre of political discussion away from the old parliament builgings to the social networks and web forums. This is also understood by the servicemen of authority - such as the CIA in the United States. Recently it was announced that they would start monitoring social networks with their special software - to check what is being discussed, organized etc.

It also means that there is a lot more work to do for the government institutions due to the unpredictability of the public discourse. And this can be quite painful for the old establishment. It reminds me the speech of US senator from the well- known American bankng and oil dynasty Jay Rockefeller. He recently made a speech where he illustrated the terrible dangers of the internet - security threats among others, and asked whether or not it was a good idea to invent the internet after all. See here . It could be therefore a sign that the internet, free information and hackers culture is already shaking the foundations of the old establishment and new rules for the competition are being set.

So hackers work should be concentrated now on preserving the already achieved improvements and not letting the authorities taking their power back. The issues like internet privacy, net neutrality and the Big Brother should be the concern of every hacker these days as there are signs that not everyone likes the hackers culture.

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